All children undergo certain crises while growing up and show periods of mood swings, have problems with peers, difficulties related to learning and school, face different worries and stresses, get angry and afraid, reassess themselves and their environment.
Normal and expected developmental tasks at certain stages of life and growing up often cause changes in normal functioning and behavior of the child that can really worry parents
No matter what some adults think, children can also have problems. They can be big or small, sometimes they are solved by children themselves, sometimes with the help of their loved ones, and sometimes they require professional help.
When working with children, it is very important to know that, although children have problems as adults do, children’s problems manifest themselves in a different way
Parenting is certainly one of the most challenging and intense journeys an adult can embark on. If we look at books and texts we can find on the Internet or social networks, parenting is still quite idealized and it’s not very popular to talk about difficult times.
For some reason, there is an idea that if we talk about the difficult feelings we associate with parenting, it means that …
Obiteljska medijacija je stručno vođen i strukturiran proces rješavanja obiteljskih sukoba u kojem članovi obitelji dobrovoljno sudjeluju s ciljem postizanja najboljeg mogućeg dogovora upravo za njihovu obiteljsku situaciju. Za razliku od mnogih drugih savjetodavnih i stručnih postupaka obiteljska medijacija ima ograničen rok trajanja (najčešće između tri i šest susreta) unutar kojeg se postiže dogovor ili donosi odluka da to nije moguće. Obiteljska medijacija je postupak kojim nećete ništa izgubiti, a možete jako puno dobiti, jer istraživanja pokazuju da čak i kada dogovor nije postignut članovi obitelji nerijetko navode o poboljšanoj kvaliteti međusobne komunikacije nakon OM. Obiteljskom medijacijom pokušavamo spriječiti to da netko izvana dođe i posiječe stabla.
Svoj doprinos boljem društvu u kojem će svako dijete i mlada osoba dobivati stručnu pomoć i podršku onda kada ju treba, a ne onda kada ima mjesta, dajemo i kroz raznovrsne edukacije stručnjaka u područjima kojima se bavimo. Primarno su to edukacije iz područja tretmanskog rada sa djecom, mladima i roditeljima koje nastojimo obogatiti primjerima iz prakse, demonstracijama i konkretnim vježbama i materijalima za rad. Važno nam je biti dostupnima u tom smislu za stručnjakinje ne samo iz Zagreba nego iz cijele zemlje
Uz rad s djecom i njihovim obiteljima naša je zajednička i velika profesionalna ljubav rad sa stručnjacima, pomagačima. S jedne strane rad sa ljudima u krizi je izrazito ispunjavajući i smislen, dok s druge strane može biti iscrpljujući i rizičan po (mentalno) zdravlje pomagača…
BRIGOJEDAC (The Worry-eater), a Psychological Center for Children and Family, conducts psychological diagnostics and assessment of children and young people, as well as counseling and treatment work and psychotherapy aimed at children, their parents and families. Through individual counseling, family treatment work and group support, we are focused on providing support in overcoming crises and stressful events, understanding their impact on our overall functioning and mental health, strengthening coping strategies, and strengthening child and family resilience.
Brigojedac (The Worry-eater) is a handmade, crocheted frog, as you can see in the pictures here on our web, which has a large mouth that can fit all children’s worries. This is one of the tools we use when working with children, especially with the ones with dominating symptoms of anxiety.